Saturday, August 16, 2008

August 17, 2008-10:05pm

I am welcoming myself to this blogsite! I 've been blogging in friendster since 2004 but last year, my friend Ellaine, encouraged me to sign up here. Lazy bone that I am, I never did it ! Finally, here I am.!!!! Tantananatantan..

Well, I am not doing this blogging for the sake of blogging and changing the world (but who knows?). I am doing this because this is one of the remedies to my everlasting problem- my weight!

For those who know me since childhood and haven't seen me ever since, well, bad news is that my face is still the same, plus the unwanted curves and flabs. And thanks to the eight dollar weighing scale from Walmart, I heard the 911 call screaming "I need to lose weight if not I will die" !!!! One resolution I formed is to write about my journey to a healthy me, and so I am here!

It is a brave act to state here that I AM OBESE. No amount of justifications can ever lower the hand of the scale to my ideal weight. The fact that I live no more with the petite Filipinos but with size Americans ( got to use the politically correct term) , won't make me look nice in a size 12 dress. Hey , in the first place, I won't fit in that size!

But I have hopes for a better day and it have maintained my sanity through the years. And so , one first act of hope is to blog this resolution. I can foresee a graph of ups and down running berserk but who cares. I have the courage to start and I will make it happen.

So to all readers out there, stay with me in this road trip...Welcome aboard!